I love Shannon…and not just because she creates lovely caramel creations for a living. 🙂 She’s friendly, supportive and lots of fun – a great combination. This is also Shannon’s second year taking part in the Cookie Advent Calendar. You can check out her recipe from last year’s calendar here.
If you haven’t had a chance to try her amazing sweets at events around Toronto, you can order from Shannon directly at All Mine Caramel.
You can also connect with Shannon on Twitter at @allminecaramel
guest post by Shannon from All Mine Caramel
When Stephanie asked me to be part of her cookie blog again this year I immediately started thinking about which cookie to pick. Last year’s bacon vanilla wafer cookie was going to be hard to top for originality. So I decided to go a completely different route…tradition.
Growing up the shortbread cookie was always king around my house. Several batches and several kinds would be consumed by the end of the holiday season.
We’ve been making Shortie Bars in my house since I can remember. This is my version. To this day shortbread cookies are still my absolute top pick.
Traditionally we used walnuts for this recipe but I’ve decided to go with pecans instead. Really any nut would work because nuts and chocolate are pretty much always happy together.
- 1 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
- 3 tbls. sugar
- 1/2 cup unsalted butter
- 1/4 tsp. salt
- 100 g dark chocolate chips
- 100g toasted chopped pecans
- Turn over on to 300 and toast pecan on a baking sheet for ten minutes. After they have cooler roughly chop the pecans
- Turn oven up to 325. Cut butter into little cubes and add to food processor. Add flour, sugar and salt and pulse till it forms small crumbs. Form this mixture into a ball and knead till it comes together in a smooth ball.
- Press ball into an 8x8 ungreased baking pan and bake for 30 min.
- Allow cookie to cool for 5 min. Top with chocolate pieces wait 5 min till they have melted and spread the chocolate to cover the top. Sprinkle the pecans on the chocolate. If you wish you can pop the pan in the fridge to harden the chocolate quicker.
- After the chocolate has set cut into bars and use spatula to remove from pan.
When I am not writing advent cookie blogs for Stephanie I run my own small business creating handcrafted caramel confections called All Mine Caramel. Ironically at this time of year I am often so busy creating treats for other people that I don’t get the chance to bake as much for my own family. So doing Stephanie’s blog gives me a chance to step back and remember how much fun making holiday cookies is.
Shannon Hitchon
You can check out my caramel creations at http://www.allminecaramel.ca or follow me on twitter @allminecaramel
The recipe and all photos used in this blog post belong to Shannon Hitchon / All Mine Caramel and should not be reprinted without her express permission.