Jun 19, 2014 | cheese, desserts & sweets, fruits & vegetables, grilling & smoking, in the kitchen, recipes
The Challenge: An “Italian” dessert, featuring cheese and using a sauce pot. After the 13-hour grilling marathon that I went through for the pulled pork pitas, I wanted something quick and simple for my next recipe. This recipe definitely fits the bill....
Jun 17, 2014 | fruits & vegetables, grilling & smoking, in the kitchen, recipes, side dishes
The Challenge: A “Thai” side dish, featuring vegetables and using a porcelain coated wok. Since this is a side dish, I wanted to keep things simple, but still wanted to create a dish that added a lot of impact to a meal. This quick vegetable stir-fry...
Feb 19, 2014 | drinks, fruits & vegetables, in the kitchen, recipes
Recently, Paul and I were sent 2 bottles of bloo juice to try. I had never heard of this brand before, but Paul and I both love blueberries, so we were looking forward to trying something that boasted that “every bottle…is made with over 600 blueberries...
Aug 26, 2013 | fruits & vegetables, in the kitchen, pork & bacon, recipes, side dishes
Green peas are currently in season here in Ontario and we recently bought some “just picked” peas from a roadside farm stand (seriously, I actually had a lot of trouble trying to find fresh green peas at the grocery store!). After trying to figure out how to best...