
{this list goes to 11} the top (non-food) things we saw in rome

Paul and I are back from our one-week vacation in Rome and if you've been following me on Twitter and/or Instagram, then you'll know we packed A LOT...

Around the World in 20 Street Foods {infographic}

One of my favourite ways to eat when we travel is to try the local street foods. It's (usually) cheap, mobile and there's such a great variety....

eat like a local – Toronto, Ontario, Canada – Vegan edition

Toronto is the most populous city in Canada and the capital of Ontario. With a population of 2.7 million, Toronto is the fourth most populous city...
i heart hawaii

i heart hawaii

While I work on a more food-related post about our recent trip to Hawaii (#HawaiiFrolic 2015) I thought I'd share some of the photos I took with my phone while we zipped around Oahu and Maui. Enjoy! [gallery type="rectangular" size="medium" link="none"...

it’s time for another #HawaiiFrolic

it’s time for another #HawaiiFrolic

Last year Paul and I headed back to Hawaii for our 10 year anniversary and had a wonderful time re-connecting with Oahu and Kauai (the islands where we spent our honeymoon). We ate at a lot of great places and made a point of trying to sample as much of the local food...

welcome to kitchen frolic!

Hi there!

If you're looking for light and fun chats about food & recipes, reviews of cookbooks, food-themed books & kitchen gadgets, plus infographics & the occasional food event then you've come to the right place! Once in a while I'll also throw in some personal stuff, like travel posts & my obsession with trying to grow a citrus tree in Canada.

Thanks for dropping by!

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Eat Like a Local: The Series


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